Find KFC near me will help you to find tons of useful info about your favourite restaurant. A lot of people heard about KFC and many of them are eating in their restaurants, but just a small number of customers know that KFC is the abbreviation from Kentucky Fried Chicken. For those who don’t know, KFC is a chain of fast food restaurants that is specialized in fried chicken, and it started in Louisville, Kentucky, USA.
Measuring the sales and comparing them with other restaurants, KFC is considered the second largest fast food chain of restaurants, the first place being occupied by McDonald’s. The statistics from 2015 show that KFC runs around 20,000 restaurants around the world, in 123 countries.
The history of KFC restaurants started in 1952 when the first restaurant was opened. Harland Sanders was a colonel who started to sell fried chicken and he realized from the beginning that it could be a good concept for a franchise and we can see nowadays that he was right. Because he was aging, he decided to sell the company and he sold it in 1964 to a group of investors.
In the middle 1960 KFC opened the first restaurants outside the United States in the United Kingdom, Jamaica, Mexico and Canada, and later, in 1978 KFC was opened also in China, which represented a big growth for the chain of restaurants but also for the Asian countries. During the development, KFC introduced a new product on their menu like the french fries, desserts, salads and soft drinks but the company also suffered some changes being sold to different groups of investors multiple times.
KFC Near Me Locations
With this map, you will be able to find the nearest KFC in your city. If you are not able to find any Kentucky Fried Chicken on this map, keep reading and we will provide another options.
We already said in the beginning that KFC is one of the biggest chains of restaurants in the world, being present in 123, but they are always improving their products and services and the specialists say that it will continue to grow in the next years, becoming bigger and bigger. KFC is present in Asia, Africa, Europe, Middle East, Oceania and North America.
There are around 20,000 KFC Locations around the world and the expansion started from the United States where currently we have 4,491 locations, this being the second country with the largest number of KFC restaurants. China occupies the first place with 4,593 locations. More than 9,000 locations are spread around the globe.
If you want to find a KFC near me Location around your city, you should know that you can do it very fast and easy using the internet. It’s good to know that there are some KFC restaurants that offer the Drive-Thru option which is a nice thing when you’re in hurry and you can’t afford to waste any time.
You can also click here and then click on the top left Button and a pop-up window will appear on your screen. On the bottom of the screen, you’ll see an option that will ask you to select another country. Here you can enter the country where you live now. For example, let’s say that you live in the United Kingdom, so you will select the UK. It will take you to another website, and there you’ll have to hit the “Find Us” Button from the top menu. A map with all the KFC Locations from UK will appear, but you will also be able to enter a specific address, a City or even a Post Code to find the closest KFC Location to you.
If you live in another country you will definitely have to select another country from the list that will appear, and then follow the same steps. In the end, you’ll get the KFC Locations around the city where you live.
KFC Near Me Opening Hours
You already know how to find the closest KFC restaurant based on your current location, but you will definitely want to know the KFC Opening Hours. We said that there are around 20,000 KFC Locations around the world, and it is clear that some of them might have a different schedule than the others, and that’s the reason why it is important to know when they open and when they close.
We already explained to you how to find a KFC Location, and let’s say that you want to see the Opening Hours. Following the above steps, you will have to find the closest KFC location to you. After you did that, you’ll have to click on the KFC point from the Map to see the details for that restaurant.
After you’ll do that you’ll be able to see the details about the selected restaurant, and some of the details will tell you the KFC near me Opening Hours for all the days of the week. Some KFC Locations offer Drive-Thru and you’ll be able to see if this option is available for the selected KFC Restaurant. There are KFC Restaurants that offer Disability Access, Free Wifi or Baby Changing Room. You can check all these details by clicking on the KFC point from the Map.
KFC Near Me Delivery
KFC Delivery is a limited service, being present just in a small number of markets but we hope that in the future they will start to offer the delivery option for more restaurants around the globe, because it might grow the company again, bringing more customers to them. The KFC Delivery would be perfect for the people who work at the office and don’t have a KFC ner me Restaurant around them, so they can’t go and buy a meal during the lunch break.
For the KFC Locations that offer KFC Delivery you’ll be able to select the menu, and then you’ll have to enter the Delivery Address, your name, mobile number and email address. After the order will be done you’ll get an Order ID which is very helpful because you’ll be able to check your order status, but you can also check the order status using your Phone number.